The idea of the Remembrance Day : “Recreate the Battle of Britain Memorial Fun Fly”, originated with my brother Brian and I discussing how the flying club could honor our Canadian and Allied service men both past and present. I usually watch the Battle of Britain every year on or before Remembrance Day. As many of you know Brian and I have been flying warbirds for several years. A recreation/fun fly of warbirds seemed the obvious thing for our club to do. I believe this is the fifth year we have done this. We were snowed out last year. It was originally a word of mouth with foam airplane the norm as weather was unpredictable. I would name the original small group of attendees but would probably miss someone and don’t want to do that. Many of our original club members were veterans and or had family that were veterans. Thanks to all of them for their service and the freedoms they fought for. Even our motorcycle club has a charity they raise funds for, so I asked the people attending to donate if they could to the Veteran’s Food Bank. We raised $160.25 this year. I realized too late I should have asked members to bring a food item/$ for a donation. Next year I’ll include the request with the memo about the “Battle of Britain 2017”. Perhaps my ¼ scale SE5a honoring “Frederic McCall” will be in the air next year.
Thanks to Jim Dennis who read “Flanders Fields” and Brian Irwin for reading the “Pilots Prayer”. SCRCMC provided the coffee and doughnuts. Thanks to everyone who came out.
I’ve attached a photo for our website. Apologies to Bob White as I don’t see his jet in the photo.
Art Irwin,
P.S. Captain “Willie” Bill Irwin did not fly his Neiuport 17 due to engine problems. I expect to see him on “Dawn Patrol” next year.

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